Separation in the case of either married couples or de facto couples can often be the most difficult time in life.
Frequently at a time of emotional stress, financial decisions have to be made. This is clearly not the best time to have to make such decisions and therefore having a solicitor who can empathise but still represent effectively is very important.
Following the breakup, emotions can run high and it can be very difficult to reach a financial outcome which works for both parties. It is therefore important to have a representative who is commercially aware and who can negotiate an outcome which is fair and reasonable to both parties.
The negotiation process must identify the major issues without an extended battle either through correspondence or in court. The last thing anyone wants is to spend a great deal of their limited resources on legal battles.
As well as working in the Family Law field, Bob has been a commercial lawyer for a great many years and can readily identify commercial solutions. We cannot guarantee the other party will see the merit in such solutions initially, but reaching the central issues can form the basis of constructive dialogue with a view to reaching a consensual settlement.
If after reading this you feel you would benefit from this approach, please telephone Bob who is always happy to discuss matters prior to commencing his retainer.